PORTLAND, Maine - The Portland International Jetport today announced that for 56 days this spring, the airport's primary runway will be closed for a once in 15 year rehabilitation. During the time frame of April 18 - June 13, 2022 all air traffic in and out of the Jetport will be operating on the airport's secondary north-south runway. This will lead to a significant change in air traffic over Portland, South Portland, Scarborough, and Westbrook.
For 28 days from May 16 - June 13, 2022 the airport will be closed for fixed wing aircraft from 10:30pm to 5:45am to facilitate rehabilitating the runway intersection.
The project is part of the Airport's Master Plan and includes milling and overlaying the entire 7,200 foot long service as well as upgrading all of the primary runways lighting to LED. Pike Industries was awarded the Bid in December. The overall project is approximately $13,770,000 and is funded by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), State of Maine, and the Jetport. No taxpayer dollars are being spent as the program is funded out of the Airport and Airways Trust Fund which is funded through taxes and fees on airline tickets.
“This project is a much needed improvement to our primary runway,” said Paul Bradbury, Airport Director. “As the runway nears the end of it’s useful life, this project is critical to ensuring the airport is capable of facilitating the communities air transportation needs for the next 15 to 20 years. We recognize that for eight weeks this spring we will be impacting many neighbors that don’t normally have air traffic over their homes. We wanted to start the new year beginning to communicate to those communities and will continue to do so frequently through the end of the project in June” he continued.
The Jetport has set up a dedicated website with information for the community on the project. As flight paths are finalized with Air Traffic Control they will be posted as well. The site is www.portlandjetport.org/runway.
Additional information will also be available for the public at a Noise Advisory Committee meeting at 6:00om on Thursday, February 3, 2022. Information on that meeting will be available on the website www.portlandjetport.org/runway